

Our NEW brochure for download

Management and Information Systems for Development (MIS4D) is a network organisation with experts that specialize in analysis, design and implementation of ICT and information systems for Africa. We combine senior management skills in development with ICT skills to develop appropriate information management environments.

Our projects develop management information systems that adhere to:

  1. Local culture: we do not just take best practices from other countries but we support local values
  2. Physical environment: we build systems that will last in the tropical and African conditions
  3. Organisational characteristics: we recognize that organisations in Africa are managed differently from organisations in Europe and America
  4. Economical constraints: systems need to last, also we the donor funding dries up. We know this and we do this
  5. Political climate: we recognise that the political context is important and determines the success of a project

We promote open source software and open content solutions to enable organizations to grow without the burden of license fees. Growth can only flourish in independence and freedom.

For information on our projects and services you can contact us or leave a reply: